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Fb wants to know how my day went. Well, let me tell you.

Today marked Day 2 of potty training for 3yr old Dax. Not only did he get up when prompted at 3am to pee in the potty, he jumped out of bed at 7:30am to go again. I could not be more proud! We are still having a bit of trouble getting the poop in the potty but we made a breakthrough today & got a little bit where it belongs. I'm confident tomorrow will be the day! We also took a short trip to Target. I asked him if he could hold it until we got home or if he wanted to go in the potty there. He opted for there & took care of business. We only had one accident today (other than poop) compared to 5 yesterday.

I want to note that my plan had been to start training first thing wed morning but we ran out of diapers right before bed Tuesday night (best laid plans right?) and I just went with it! Other than feeling like I was bat sh*t crazy for starting to potty train my kid at night, I had to be committed because I had no other option (no interest in buying more). I knew he could make it to 3am so when he woke up at 1:30 I tried to get him to try but he refused. Around 2am I got up to pee myself & heard him get out of bed but not open the door. When I opened the door to check on him he had peed on the floor. I was stoked! At least he didn't pee in bed & he listened to his body & got up! short wedding dresses

Lastly, if your child is over 2yrs old & hides to poop, DON'T WAIT! Your child is ready & needs your help & consistency to learn this new skill. Just like they need your help to learn how to dress & undress themselves. I wish I would have done this a long time ago! As soon as Bella starts hiding to poop I'll be training her as well. I recommend reading Oh crap! Potty Training by Jamie Glowacki. Totally helped me get my head on straight.

There you go fb. ;)