DressAfford items with long sleeve to wear of the homecoming seasons

I am 32+ weeks pregnant with baby number 1 and I am unbareably uncomfortable. I believe baby has dropped and was wondering if my symptoms sound familiar to anyone else... i feel constant pressure, cannot sit or even lay comfortably, I feel Braxton hicks down low extremely strong, have to pee a ton more than usual (and when I do it's barely a trickle), and also have been experiencing lots more discharge than normal. Has my baby girl dropped? And how long should I expect to wait before labor begins.... I'm nervous she dropped too early & my next check up isn't until about 34 weeks. Just curious as to what everyone else have experienced with baby dropping so soon. Also I should mention I was born at 31.5 weeks myself so I kind of expected her to come somewhat early. Thanks. DressAfford items with long sleeve to wear of the homecoming seasons